Raise your Energy Vibration by Using Clearing Techniques


With the energy moving as intensely as it is at this time, it is essential that each of us take the time to clear our own energy on a daily basis. By clearing energy, what I mean is using a technique or clearing energy to literally remove or transmute the negative energy that is arising within you.  I highly recommend The Pulse technique . Take the few minutes that it takes to do this short video and you will be surprised at the power of the energy to reduce your distress on any topic. You will be in the privacy of your home, thinking intently for about 4 minutes about whatever has been bothering you. Deb Cummings will guide you through the process, and then we will sit quietly and send the energy to you via the computer.  I also really  like the Diamond Alignment  These techniques allow us to clear our own energy field quickly and easily.

It is no accident that all the negativity is being uncovered. Sometimes it feels overwhelming that so much that we abhor is becoming evident. One thing I want to encourage you to do on a daily basis is to check to see if what you are feeling is even your feeling. I know that sounds a little strange but each time we are with someone we exchange some energy. When we are with someone who is suffering in some way we may even unconsciously decide to help them by holding their energy and giving them some of ours to use. It seems like a loving idea but in reality, none of us works well with someone else’s energy. Please take the time to send back to the earth (or the spirit guides of the owners) any energy that is not your own–you don’t even have to know whose it is. Then ask that your own energy be brought back to you, coming down through the crown of your head, cleaned and ready to us. The last step is to allow golden cosmic light to replenish you, again coming through the top of your head and into your full auric field. Now you have the resources you need to do deal with what is coming up through the earth’s transformation.

If you would like more information on this topic please see my page on Energy Healing. We can move to hopelessness when we look out at all the world’s troubles but when we are working with our own, cleared energy, we can be of service. We are responsible for our own energy and if each person would keep their’s, the world’s energy would be cleared. This is meant to be happening as our world moves toward its own transformation. What appears to be so unsettling is really evidence that all is well.



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