Being Yourself

There are so many articles, books, videos, and training audios that inform us about how we should be. From every direction and every media source there is a constant stream of information about how we need to change, what we need to learn, how we need to act, and what we need to accomplish. The end result is a persistent feeling that we, in and of ourselves, are not enough. We feel that we are behind somehow in the grand plan. We have a vision held up to us about what we need to match and when we don’t match it–pretty much every day–we feel disappointed in ourselves.  And we feel unhappy and stressed.

What if the truth is that you only need to be fully yourself? That in being yourself, and doing what brings you happiness, you are able to ignite your inner passion for helping others. What if in experiencing your own inner passion, you begin to open to your own creativity about how to do what you have the desire to do? No need for outside instruction–unless you personally feel called to do something you don’t know how to do. In that case, it is an inner calling drawing you to the new learning, not an external voice pushing you toward the new learning. Panache Desai is one who inspires people by reminding them that they are not broken and they do not need to be fixed.

Each of us holds our own unique vibration and we are inspired by very specific things, whether it be seeing a need and fulfilling it, being energized by music, loving to play in nature or loving to sing in the shower. What I am wanting to encourage you to consider,  is that if you follow your own inner guidance system toward what brings you pleasure and jumps starts your own creativity, you will be succeeding in life to the fullest. Being you is the goal and the path at the same time. We are only meant to fully express our own unique selves, nothing more. In doing that we are the most alive, the most passionate, the most in love with ourselves, and the most able to love others.



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