9/11 Remembering when we all felt unified as Americans

On this Sept. 11, during this divisive presidential campaign, I am remembering what a good feeling we had about being a united group of people, Americans, on Sept. 11 2001. We had all been through something horrendous and together we were helping each other find a way through the immense pain and shock. It at least felt good to feel a deep connection with this huge group of people. And in fact  almost the entire world was standing together, with compassion in our hearts, during this time of tragedy that effected people way beyond our borders.

Now, on this Sept. 11, 2012, the entire world is facing tragedy in the form of natural disasters that are destroying our homes and killing our family members. There is no one to fight against, no one to focus on our anger on except Mother Nature.  Can we find a way to gather together as we did before, and open our hearts to each other? Can we work together to support our communities and the world communities, to hold each other as we grieve our losses and find our footing again? Can we see our commonalities rather than our differences?

On this day of remembrance, can we remember that we are all One? That we have the ingenuity and creativity to find ways through our difficulties and that we care deeply about one another, no matter our differences in ideology. I believe that we can and I am looking for leaders who support that vision. This is our opportunity for true spiritual growth, as we put aside our anger, and we step into our most loving selves, to be of service.


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