Allowing Financial Abundance

Last week, in a conversation with a dear friend, I was offered a fantastic opportunity to promote our  new book. And I immediately shut down the possibility as too good for me to consider!! Too good…wow. Really? The possibility was too good for my mind to even look at  more closely. Thankfully, I was quickly able to see what had happened and to turn inward for more understanding.

I began looking for the ways in which I block abundance. I was surprised to know that I was doing it at all. I have always done well with my endeavors, but what I realized is that it is ok for me to do well, but not fantastically well. That set me on my heels.

If you are struggling with money issues, it is well worth the time to go inward and look at your deeply held beliefs about money, success, and being a good person. T. Harv Eker, in his Millionaire Mind weekend workshops, really takes time with this complex system of beliefs that have been instilled in us from an early age. He helps people to tease out the blocks that they have to making money. If you have the opportunity to attend one of these amazing weekend workshops, preferably with your teenage children, do it. The younger we are when we break free of this crazy thinking, the easier it is for us. These events are either free or very very inexpensive and can change your life.

It is because of that weekend experience that I was able to catch myself in my  self defeating thinking. I  figured out what was going on and allowed myself to accept the offer. I am grateful for the entire experience–such a huge learning for me. Apparently you can never be too old to learn.



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